Organizational Behavior Mba Exam Questions And Answers links:

[GET] Organizational Behavior Mba Exam Questions And Answers
Posted on 14-Apr-2021
Ranjan, is the top salesperson at the outlet. When he misses his sales goal, which seldom happens, the store's target is usually not met. Ranjan, however, often does not help in doing the common tasks, much to the frustration of the other eleven...
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[FREE] Organizational Behavior Mba Exam Questions And Answers | new!
Posted on 24-May-2021
What are the standards of performance? Should they be changed? If so, in what ways? He was an important inventor and innovator, in basic frequency-modulated continuous wave FM-CW Doppler radar technology. This Fm-cw technology gave Avionics a world...
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PTU MBA Organizational Behavior Papers
Posted on 21-May-2021
How can the matrix form of organization assist Mr. What are the components of attitude? How does attitude determine the behavior of an individual? Explain the factors that affect an organizational climate. What are the determinants of job satisfaction of employees inside the organization?
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MCQ On Organisational Behaviour With Answers
Posted on 6-Apr-2021
MBA Organizational Behaviour Review Questions Explain the different levels in management and how the scope of authority and responsibility varies from one level to the other. What are the skills required by a manager as he moves up the hierarchy? What methods do you suggest to equip the managers those skills? Explain the importance of conceptual skills for long term survival of an organisation. How do good conceptual skills a firm gain a competitive advantage? Give appropriate examples Examine the different roles played by a manager of a typical business organisation. Explain the roles and responsibilities of major stakeholder of a business organisation. What do you mean by the social responsibility of business?
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Organizational Behavior Exam
Posted on 2-Mar-2021
Do you subscribe to the view that business has responsibilities other than making a profit? Substantiate your answer drawing from real examples. Much of the talk about social responsibility is more of rhetoric in nature. Examine the statement and present your views. You are welcome to interact with management personnel and present your viewpoints. Present your views for and against the social responsibility of business.
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Organizational Behaviour Online Test Questions
Posted on 27-Mar-2021
A major problem with a task force type of management is: a There is no logical basis for task force information b Its status is too inflexible c Accountability d Lack of Planning Q4. Policies are sometimes defined as a n : a Shortcut for thinking b Action Plan c Substitute for strategy d Substitute for management authority Q6. A study of the culture and practices in different societies is called: a Personality b Anthropology Q7. The field of organizational behaviour is primarily concerned with: a The behavior of individuals and groups b How resources are effectively managed c Control processes and interactions d Both b and c. Organizational behaviour assignment writing help are available at a leading online professional assignment writing help provider better known as BookMyEssay.
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Organisational Behaviour Notes PDF | MBA, BBA, BCOM 2021
Posted on 26-Mar-2021
It is a leading online help provider from Australia. We have a team of leading professionals who are perfect in their fields. The team consists of highly experienced writers of organizational behaviour who churn out world-class organizational behaviour assignment help at very reasonable prices.
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Organizational Behavior Exam Questions And Answers
Posted on 6-Mar-2021
Ans: 8. Ans: Self-Esteem Ans: Type A Ans: Affect Ans: Moods Ans: Emotional Labour Ans: personality, perceptions, past experiences, gender James-Lange theory of emotion suggests that the cerebral cortex ascertains the nature of the perceived stimulus in the light of our past experiences. Ans: False Ans: True Cannon-Bard theory is similar to the James-Lange theory of emotion. Self-awareness includes competencies such as: a. Emotional self-awareness, Accurate self-assessment and self-control b. Emotional self-awareness, Accurate self-assessment and self-confidence c. Emotional self-awareness, self-confidence and self-control d. Emotional self-awareness, Accurate self-assessment and empathy. Ans: b Emotional self-awareness, Accurate self-assessment and self-confidence Social awareness includes competencies such as: a. Empathy, Service Orientation and organizational awareness b.
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1100 Organizational Behavior Exam Focus With Answers New
Posted on 28-Apr-2021
Empathy, Initiative and organizational awareness c. Influence, Service Orientation and organizational awareness d. Empathy, Service Orientation and adaptability. Ans: a Empathy, Service Orientation and organizational awareness Ans: Mover, move. Ans: Pleasure Ans: External factors Ans: Behavioural scientists Ans: Abraham Harold Maslow Ans: ERG Theory Ans: Expectancy Theory Ans: They expect from them Ans: Peter F. Drucker Ans: Job Design.
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Organizational Behavior Final Exam
Posted on 15-Mar-2021
Registration c. Situation person interaction d. Sensation 18 When certain stimuli are below the conscious threshold of a person, it is referred to as a. Perceptual selectivity c. Intensity d. Perceptual set 19 Which of the following provides meaning and value to stimuli, objects events situation and other people in the environment a. Perceptual set 20 Which of the following occurs when perceptions are formed on the basis of single trait of an individual? Stereotyping c. Halo effect d. Perceptual closure 21 Which of the following terms refers to a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs out of experience?
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Organisational Behaviour MCQ With Answers | BBA MBA Practice Question With Answer
Posted on 10-May-2021
Downward Flow of authority, Maintenance of hierarchy, Reasoning, Memo Upward Feedback, report submission, request, permission Lateral Communication among same work group 13 What is Organizational communication? Chain 2. Wheel 3. It is a process of monitoring activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned and of correcting any significance deviation. Goal Vs Performance. Sources of this influence may be formal based on the managerial rank in an organisation. Managers tend to play a relatively passive role in accomplishing goal Leaders have power within themselves and the required drive the head people and motivate them to work enthusiastically towards achieving objectives.
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Exam Past Questions
Posted on 14-Apr-2021
Managers need power to be entrusted to them by organisation to deal with people. Leader can act confidently even, if they need to work independently. If managers are require to work alone without assistance from people. They become tense. Leaders interact with people frequently and in more natural way. They inspire people motivate them and lead them. Managers limit their interaction with people to the minimum extent required to carry out their managerial responsibility. Technical, Human, Conceptual skills. Theories proposing that specific behaviours differentiate leaders from leaders from non-leader. Clarify the path to help their followers get from where they are to the achievement of their work goals and make the journey along the path easier by reducing road blocks.
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Solution To Previous Year Exam Questions For Organizational Behaviour - OB Of BPUT By FUN WITH KM
Posted on 19-May-2021
If there is any deviation from the established rules and stds take necessary steps to bring condition back to normal Charisma Leaders have a vision which they are easily communicate with others. They establish a mission for their followers and make them take pride in working towards that mission. They gain respect and trust of their follower Management by exception positive Leaders involve in day to day operations only if the required std a not is met. Inspiration They inspire their followers by communicating to them the high expectations of the organisation has often and assume them of their capacity to met those expectations. They are good at expressing complicating goals and objectives 8 What is Laissez-faire? Leader tries to escape responsibilities and avoids making decision. Preference for contingent rewards: Leaders believe that people can be motivated by recognizing their accomplishments and designing rewards appropriate for their level of efforts and performance.
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MGMT591 Final Exam Questions
Posted on 9-Mar-2021
It represent the formal authority to control and use organisational resources. Production Manager can control the wastage for the material from the production 11 What are the sources of power? Culture is a means through which members learn and communicate what is accepted and unaccepted in an organisation on the light of its values and norms Climate does not deal with values and norms it is concerned with the current atmosphere in the organization Culture is more difficult to change in short period of time Climate is subject to manipulation by managerial actions even in short-term.
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ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - Multiple Choice Questions
Posted on 8-Mar-2021
Primary and dominant values that are accepted throughout the organisation. It influence on the behaviour of its members because the high degree of sharedness and intensity creates an internal climate of high behavioural control. Builds cohesiveness loyalty and commitment less opportunity to leave organisation. It means process that adopts employees to the organisation cultures.
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(PDF) Final Organizational Behavior Final Exam Review | Tahir Shahzada -
Posted on 4-May-2021
For that 5 month training programme where they learn way of doing everything. Through, Stories, rituals, material symbols, language. What goal is most important who is important? Corporation rituals. May — Kay cosmetics annual award meeting. Miss American pageants wear. This show act as a motivator by publicly recognising outstanding sales performance. As part of a health benefits package, a company may offer s tress management therapy to improve j ob performance.
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Organizational Behavior Exam Questions And Answers - Organizational Behaviour - Stuvia
Posted on 13-May-2021
Change refers to alternation in the total work environment. People should adopt themselves to the changing situations. Either internal or external to the organisation most of organisation believe in traditional pattern of working often go for reactive changes. Organisation introduces certain methods or systems when they are forced for that. For example: population control devices they did when they are forced by government.
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Organizational Behavior Midterm
Posted on 3-May-2021
When there is resistance, then the merits and demerits of that idea will be discussed and it is good for organisation. The resistance may fall under 4 types.
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Organisational Behavior Multiple Choice Questions And Answers. Page 1.
Posted on 25-Apr-2021
Marco Mako Which of the following is an example of being an efficient company? OB Mod e. Which of the following is one of the steps of the problem-solving model followed by the typical OB Mod program? Which of the following statements is not true about attitudes in the workplace? Changing employee attitudes is necessary if you are to manage dissonance. High pay alone is not likely to create a satisfying workplace. Generating positive job attitudes helps lower absenteeism and turnover. Attitudes help determine how well employees perform on the job e. Attitudes give warnings of potential problems a; Moderate; Attitudes in the Workplace; pp. What is the term used for an individual's personal evaluation of their ability to perform? Which of the following is one of the relationships proposed in expectancy theory? What are modular benefit plans? Which of the following is a form of recognition?
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Organizational Behavior Final Exam Questions And Answers
Posted on 5-Apr-2021
Whether a candidate has high emotional intelligence would not be a significant factor when considering candidates for which of the following jobs? An interviewer who assesses candidates in an employment agency. A meeting planner who must set up meetings for candidates around the world. A copy-editor who seeks out spelling errors and grammatical mistakes in manuscripts. A realtor arranging sales between homeowners and potential buyers. Studies show that people who are depressed tend to make poorer decisions than those with a more positive outlook.
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Final Organizational Behavior Final Exam Review
Posted on 2-May-2021
Why is this thought to be the case? They tend to choose an outcome that will confirm their negative worldview. They search for the perfect solution when rarely is any solution perfect. They rarely weigh up all the options when making a decision. They avoid stereotyping and other behaviors that allow them to come to a rapid decision. They tend to put too great a value on their own ability to affect outcomes. Francine is the head of a group at an ad agency working with copywriters, artists, and designers to come up with effective branding of new products. Why is it particularly important for her to keep her team happy? People are more conscientious when they are in a good mood. People are more efficient when they are in a good mood. People are more productive when they are in a good mood. People are more cooperative when they are in a good mood. People are more creative when they are in a good mood. What term is used for the tendency for individuals to spend less effort when working collectively?
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PTU MBA Organizational Behavior Papers Free Download Previous Years Question Papers
Posted on 16-May-2021
Which of the following is a phenomenon in which group pressures for conformity deter the group from critically appraising unusual, minority, or unpopular views? What is brainstorming? Exercises According to LMX theory, which of the following is not true of those individuals who fall into the out-group? They receive a disproportionate amount of the leader's attention. They have leader-follower relations based on formal authority interaction. They are less trusted. They receive fewer of the preferred rewards that the leader controls. All of the above statements are true. What factor would most likely increase the negative impact of an arbitration session? In third-party negotiations, a third party who provides an informal communication link between the negotiator and the opponent is known as a n Short Questions 20 Questions 1.
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Organisational Behaviour Exam Questions
Posted on 20-Mar-2021
Discuss three different criteria for ethical decision making. There are three different criteria in making ethical choices. The goal of utilitarianism is to provide the greatest good for the greatest number. This is the view that tends to dominate business decision making. This calls on individuals to make decisions consistent with fundamental liberties and privileges as set forth in documents like the Bill of Rights. An emphasis on rights in decision making means respecting and protecting the basic rights of individuals. This requires individuals to impose and enforce rules fairly and impartially so there is an equitable distribution of benefits and costs. Moderate; Ethics; p. What is self-efficacy? Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task.
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MCQ On Organisational Behaviour With Answers For MBA, BBA
Posted on 17-May-2021
The higher your self-efficacy, the more confidence you have in your ability to succeed in a task. Individuals high in self-efficacy seem to respond to negative feedback with increased effort and motivation, while those low in self-efficacy are likely to lessen their effort when given negative feedback. Easy; Self-Efficacy; p. Explain the three job redesign options. This is the practice of periodically shifting an employee from one task to another.
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