The Princeton Review Sat Practice Test 2 Answers

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The Princeton Review Sat Practice Test 2 Answers

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Posted on 27-Mar-2021

You know that the volume is 16,, the depth or height is 10, and the length is Use your calculator to solve for w, which equals A. Nails are sold in 8-ounce and ounce boxes. If 50 boxes of nails were sold and the total weight of the nails sold was...

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The Princeton Review Sat Practice Test 2 Answers

[GET] The Princeton Review Sat Practice Test 2 Answers | latest

Posted on 6-Mar-2021

Start with B. If there are twenty-five ounce boxes, then there are twenty-five 8-ounce boxes because a total of 50 boxes was purchased. In this case, the twenty-five ounce boxes weigh ounces, and the twenty-five 8-ounce boxes weigh ounces; the total...

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10 Free Official SAT Practice Tests

10 Free Official SAT Practice Tests

Posted on 19-Apr-2021

Why would the voters complain about the governor taking a lot of trips abroad? Looking to the answer choices, domestic is the best match; it means the opposite of foreign. E For this question you need to figure out the relationship between the blanks. So the words in the blanks must be somewhat opposite in meaning. In C and E, the first word is negative and the second is positive, so they are both possibilities. Would it make sense to call him an eager administrator? Not really, so get rid of C. C The clues in this sentence are scarce and nutrition. In these primitive areas, something is scarce, so they have to be resourceful to find nutrition. What is scarce? So you can recycle the clue and put nutrition in the blank. Looking at the answer choices, sustenance is the best match for nutrition. The first clue in the sentence is division between.

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SAT Practice Resources

SAT Practice Resources

Posted on 5-May-2021

Morgan wants to do something with the division between theory and empiricism. In the second part of the sentence, you learn that she thinks doing something with philosophy and applied science is possible and necessary. D The colon is a same-direction trigger telling you that the clue for the blank is vivid colors and mixture of bold patterns and center of attention.

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Practice Books & Tests

Practice Books & Tests

Posted on 6-Mar-2021

C C is correct, because it says that the author merely relates the arguments of both sides without adding his own opinion. This also explains why A and B are incorrect. D is too broad and not discussed in the passage, and E is only partially correct. D D is correct because the example demonstrates how harmful sounds at decibels can be, and this allows the reader to appreciate how dangerous sounds at decibels would be. A is incorrect because the author is comparing different sound levels, not humans and whales. B and C are both incorrect because the author neither supports nor attacks either side in the argument.

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Princeton Review SAT Prep Course Review

Princeton Review SAT Prep Course Review

Posted on 7-Apr-2021

E is unsupported by the text. Therefore, the literal definition is cited to give an example of how early man thought of healing as purging, or internal cleansing, as is paraphrased in C. Remember: The answer to most specific questions will be an exact paraphrase of what the passage says. Did ancient civilization have an advanced form of medical science? No way. This is mentioned much later in the passage. E is too extreme, and it actually contradicts the passage. In lines 32—33, the passage says that the Greeks had adopted a sophisticated mind-body view of medicine, so they were certainly not primitive.

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Cracking The SAT Subject Test In Math 1 - The Princeton Review

Cracking The SAT Subject Test In Math 1 - The Princeton Review

Posted on 18-Mar-2021

E The lead words in this question are early Sumerian drugs, which should lead you back to the second paragraph. According to lines 9—13, the first drug catalog, or pharmacopoeia, was written at that time by an unknown Sumerian physician. Preserved in cuneiform script on a single clay tablet are the names of dozens of drugs to treat ailments that still afflict us today. So it was possible to identify a number of early Sumerian drugs because somebody back then wrote them all down, which is exactly what E says.

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Links To Every SAT Practice Test + Other Free Resources

Links To Every SAT Practice Test + Other Free Resources

Posted on 11-May-2021

B is wrong because the passage says in line 14 that the Egyptians added to the ancient knowledge of medicine. D is way off the topic. The passage is about ancient civilizations, not about Europe. Read the answer choices carefully. C This question asks about Sumerian drugs again, so you need to go back to the second paragraph.

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SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides And Tips

SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides And Tips

Posted on 7-Apr-2021

This time the question is looking for a similarity between Sumerian drugs and modern drugs. According to lines 6—8, the Sumerians in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley had developed virtually all of our modern methods of administering drugs. So the similarity between Sumerian and modern drugs is in the methods of administering drugs, which is paraphrased in C as the delivery of drugs. The answer to most specific questions will be an exact paraphrase of what the passage says. A is wrong because the passage says that the Sumerians had the same methods of administering drugs, not that they used the same chemicals. Use the lead words to make sure you are reading in the right place. Were ancient Sumerian drugs the products of sophisticated chemical research?

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Full-length, Free SAT Practice Tests

Full-length, Free SAT Practice Tests

Posted on 22-May-2021

Then read the sentence and come up with your own word. The paragraph is talking about how the Greeks had a mind-body view of medicine, meaning they believed it was important to treat the mind as well as the body. Because they believed in treating the whole person, that means they emphasized an approach to health that included everything.

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Best SAT Subject Test Prep Books For 2021

Best SAT Subject Test Prep Books For 2021

Posted on 18-Mar-2021

The best match in the answer choices is comprehensive. B gets the time frame wrong. The Greeks were ancient, not modern. E is easy to eliminate. C The best answer is C. Seventh-century Greek medicine is discussed in the fifth paragraph. The author contends that the seventh-century Greeks had a mind-body view of medicine line 33 in which mental maladies were interpreted as curses from displeased deities lines 40— A is incorrect because in the passage, the author discusses the Egyptian, not Greek, use of antacids. There is no discussion in the passage of the Egyptian influence on Greek medicine, or of Greek use of the term pharmacology, so choices D and E are incorrect as well. Note that most of the incorrect answer choices for this question contain a word or phrase that is used in the passage e.

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SAT Practice Questions

SAT Practice Questions

Posted on 21-Mar-2021

Remember that the use of a word or phrase from the passage in an answer choice does not ensure that the choice is correct. In fact, such an inclusion is often a trap! The right answer often contains a paraphrase of material in the passage, instead of the exact wording. B The lead words in this question are the seventh-century Greeks, which should lead you to the fifth paragraph. The question asks how the view of medicine differed between the Greeks and the Sumerians.

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10 Practice Tests For The SAT 2021 Edition

10 Practice Tests For The SAT 2021 Edition

Posted on 14-Apr-2021

According to lines 32—33, By the seventh century B. If this view were newly adopted by the Greeks, it must have been different from what the Sumerians thought. So the difference is that the Greeks had a mind-body view. C contradicts the passage. The Greeks believed that it was necessary to treat the mind and the body. That is the point of the fifth paragraph.

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10 Practice Tests For The SAT Edition | Princeton Review |

10 Practice Tests For The SAT Edition | Princeton Review |

Posted on 27-May-2021

Label them as gallons of premium and start with the value in B. That matches the information in the question, so B is correct. You can tell that f 4 will be between 22 and 54, so you can cross out A. If you ballpark C and D , putting 10 or 15 in the function will give you a number bigger than , and you're looking for 76, so C and D are too big. That means the answer is B by process of elimination.

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Princeton Review Practice Test 2 Answers

Princeton Review Practice Test 2 Answers

Posted on 12-Mar-2021

What is the measure of minor arc XY? Questions are based on the following passage. Check out these SAT reading tips. This passage is excerpted from the book Walden by Henry David Thoreau, which details Thoreau's experience living in a cabin alone for two years. I think that I love society as much as most, and am ready enough to fasten myself like a bloodsucker for the time to any full-blooded man that comes in my way. I am naturally no hermit, 5 but might possibly sit out the sturdiest frequenter for the bar-room, if my business called me thither. I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.

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Princeton Review Practice Test 4 Answer Key

Princeton Review Practice Test 4 Answer Key

Posted on 5-Apr-2021

When visitors come in larger and unexpected 10 numbers there was but the third chair for them all, but they generally economized the room by standing up. It is surprising how many great men and women a small house will contain. I have had twenty-five or thirty souls, with their bodies, 15 at once under my roof, and yet we often parted without being aware that we had come very near to one another. One inconvenience I sometimes experienced in so small a house, the difficulty of getting to a 20 sufficient distance from my guest when we began to utter the big thoughts in big words. You want room for your thoughts to get into sailing trim and run a course or two before they make their port. The bullet of your thought must have 25 overcome its lateral and ricochet motion and fallen into its last and steady course before it reaches the ear of the hearer, else it may plow out again through the side of his head.

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SAT Math Practice Questions: Learn About The SAT Math Test

SAT Math Practice Questions: Learn About The SAT Math Test

Posted on 2-May-2021

Also our sentences wanted room to unfold and form 30 their columns in the interval. Individuals, like nations, must have suitable broad and natural boundaries, even a considerable neutral ground, between them. I have found it a singular luxury to talk across the pond to a companion on the 35 opposite side. In my house we were so near that we could not begin to hear—we could not speak low enough to be heard; as when you throw two stones into calm water so near that they break each other's undulations. As the conversation 40 began to assume a loftier and grander tone, we gradually shoved our chairs farther apart till they touched the wall in opposite corners and then commonly there was not room enough.

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Cracking The New SAT With 4 Practice Tests, Edition

Cracking The New SAT With 4 Practice Tests, Edition

Posted on 14-May-2021

The waste and decay of physical life, which so often needs repair, seemed miraculously retarded in such a case, and the vital 65 vigor stood its ground. I could entertain thus a thousand as well as twenty; and if any ever went away disappointed or hungry from my house when they found me at home, they may depend upon it that I sympathized with them at least. So 70 easy it is, though many housekeepers doubt it, to establish new and better customs in the place of the old. You need not rest your reputation on the dinners you give. As for men, they will hardly fail one 75 anywhere.

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Top Exams 2021

Top Exams 2021

Posted on 18-Apr-2021

I had more visitors while I lived in the woods than at any other period in my life; I mean that I had some. I met several there under more favorable circumstances than I could anywhere else. But fewer came to see me on trivial business. I had withdrawn so far within the great ocean of solitude, into which the rivers of society empty, that for the most part, so far as my needs were concerned, only the finest 85 sediment was deposited around me. The main narrative point of view in the passage is of A a man adjusting to life in a big city after growing up on a farm. B a discussion of visitors to a small house away from city life. C a sailor discussing the pond on which he grew up and how it affected his friendships.

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SAT Practice Resources - Ivy Scholars

SAT Practice Resources - Ivy Scholars

Posted on 22-Apr-2021

Choice C is incorrect because there is no evidence that the author was a sailor. Choice D is incorrect because, while the author does discuss thoughts in the third paragraph, it is not the main subject discussed by the man in the passage. Therefore, B is the correct answer. In the context of the passage, the phrase "as when you throw two stones into calm water so near they break each other's undulations," lines 37—39 is best described as A a reference to the author's childhood days when he threw stones into a lake.

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