Chapter 8 Test Human Resources Culture And Diversity Answer Key

Chapter 8 Test Human Resources Culture And Diversity Answer Key links:

Chapter 8 Test Human Resources Culture And Diversity Answer Key

[DOWNLOAD] Chapter 8 Test Human Resources Culture And Diversity Answer Key | updated!

Posted on 9-Apr-2021

A manager B entrepreneur C generalist D marketer Answer: A Explanation: A The manager is the person responsible for accomplishing an organization's goals by planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling the efforts of the organization's...

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Chapter 8 Test Human Resources Culture And Diversity Answer Key

[GET] Chapter 8 Test Human Resources Culture And Diversity Answer Key | latest

Posted on 21-May-2021

A planning B organizing C staffing D leading Answer: A Explanation: A Planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling are the five main functions of management. The planning function involves establishing goals and standards, developing...

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Chapter 8 Study Guide Human Resources Culture And Diversity Answer Key

Chapter 8 Study Guide Human Resources Culture And Diversity Answer Key

Posted on 20-Apr-2021

Jolene is most likely involved in which function of the management process? A staffing B organizing C motivating D leading Answer: B Explanation: B The organizing function of the management process includes delegating authority to subordinates and establishing channels of communication. The organizing function also includes establishing departments and coordinating the work of subordinates. A planning B leading C controlling D organizing Answer: C Explanation: C The controlling function of the management process requires managers to set standards such as sales quotas, quality, standards, or production levels. Managers then compare actual performance with the standards, which often involves the use of metrics. Corrective action is then taken when necessary. Difficulty: Moderate Chapter: 1 Objective: 1 AACSB: Reflective thinking Learning Outcome: Describe effective interviewing techniques 8 Which function of the management process includes selecting employees, setting performance standards, and compensating employees?

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Understanding And Developing Organizational Culture

Understanding And Developing Organizational Culture

Posted on 14-May-2021

A organizing B planning C motivating D staffing Answer: D Explanation: D The staffing function of the management process determines what type of people you should hire, recruiting prospective employees, selecting employees, training and developing employees, setting performance standards, evaluating performance, counseling employees, compensating employees. Which basic function of management best describes Larry's actions? A planning B organizing C controlling D staffing Answer: C Explanation: C The controlling function involves setting standards such as sales quotas, quality standards or production levels; checking to see how actual performance compares with these standards; taking corrective action, as needed. A Labor relations B Human resource management C Behavioral management D Organizational health and safety management Answer: B Explanation: B Human resource management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.

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Noteworthy Management

Noteworthy Management

Posted on 3-Apr-2021

HRM falls under the staffing function of the management process. Difficulty: Easy Chapter: 1 Objective: 1 AACSB: Reflective thinking Learning Outcome: Define human resource management and describe modern trends in the field 11 In the management process, which of the following is an activity associated with the leading function? The leading function requires a manager to get others to get the job done; maintaining morale, and motivating subordinates. A orienting and training new employees B appraising employee performance C building employee commitment D developing customer relationships Answer: D Explanation: D Human resource management involves numerous personnel-related activities, and HR managers are less likely to interact with customers. Managing compensation, orienting new employees, appraising employee performance, and developing employee commitment are typical aspects of the HR manager's job.

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3.1 Diversity And Multiculturalism

3.1 Diversity And Multiculturalism

Posted on 13-Mar-2021

A Waste time with useless interviews B Hire the wrong person C Have your people not doing their best D Experience low turnover Answer: D Explanation: D Personnel mistakes a manager does not want to make while managing are hiring the wrong person for the job; experience high turnover; have your people not doing their best; waste time with useless interviews; have your company taken to court because of your discriminatory actions; have your company cited under federal occupational safety laws for unsafe practices; have some employees think their salaries are unfair relative to others in the organization; allow a lack of training to undermine your department's effectiveness; commit any unfair labor practices.

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Posted on 27-Apr-2021

Staff authority refers to a manager's right to advise other managers or employees, which creates an advisory relationship. A staff managers; line managers B line managers; middle managers C line managers; staff managers D functional managers; staff managers Answer: A Explanation: A Human resource managers are usually staff managers. They assist and advise line managers in areas like recruiting, hiring, and compensation. However, line managers still have human resource duties. A training specialist B staff manager C line manager D recruiter Answer: C Explanation: C A line manager is authorized to direct the work of subordinates and is responsible for accomplishing the organization's tasks. Unlike line managers, staff managers lack the authority to issue orders down the chain of command.

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Evolving HR For The New World Of Work

Evolving HR For The New World Of Work

Posted on 25-Apr-2021

Recruiters and training specialists are specialties within the HR department, and HR managers are usually staff managers rather than line managers. Difficulty: Easy Chapter: 1 Objective: 1 AACSB: Application of knowledge Learning Outcome: Define human resource management and describe modern trends in the field 19 Which of the following is NOT considered one of the line supervisor's responsibilities for effective human resources management under the general headings outlined by a major company? A Protecting employees' health and physical condition B Changing employees' attitudes regarding work C Developing the abilities of each person D Interpreting the company policies and procedures Answer: B Explanation: B The direct handling of people has always been part of every line manager's duties, from the president down to first-line supervisors.

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3.2 Diversity Plans

3.2 Diversity Plans

Posted on 4-May-2021

One major company outlines its line supervisor's responsibilities for effective human resource management under these general headings: Placing the right person in the right job; Starting new employees in the organization orientation ; Training employees for jobs that are new to them; Improving the job performance of each person; Gaining cooperation, and developing smooth working relationships; Interpreting the company's policies and procedures; Controlling labor costs; Developing the abilities of each person; Creating and maintaining department morale; Protecting employees' health and physical condition. A maintaining department morale B controlling labor costs C protecting employees' health D marketing new products and services Answer: D Explanation: D Human resource management most often involves creating and maintaining department morale, controlling labor costs, and protecting employees' health and physical condition.

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Chapter 8: Human Resource Management In Cross-Border Mergers And Acquisitions

Chapter 8: Human Resource Management In Cross-Border Mergers And Acquisitions

Posted on 15-May-2021

Handling personnel is an integral part of every line manager's duties, but marketing new products is not a personnel issue and would be handled by the marketing department. Difficulty: Moderate Chapter: 1 Objective: 3 AACSB: Reflective thinking Learning Outcome: Define human resource management and describe modern trends in the field 21 Which of the following refers to the authority exerted by an HR manager as coordinator of personnel activities? A staff authority B line authority C functional authority D corporate authority Answer: C Explanation: C Functional authority refers to the authority exerted by an HR manager as coordinator of personnel activities. An HR manager ensures that line managers are implementing the firm's HR policies and practices.

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Human Resources Mission Statement Examples

Human Resources Mission Statement Examples

Posted on 1-May-2021

Line authority is a manager's right to issue orders to other managers or employees, which creates a superior-subordinate relationship. Directing members of the HR staff is a line function. Ensuring that line managers implement HR policies is a coordinative function. Advising line managers and representing employee interests to senior management are staff functions. Examples of line functions include a human resource manager directing the activities of the people in his or her own department or perhaps in related areas like the plant cafeteria.

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Understanding Cross-Cultural Management 3rd Edn, 3rd Edition

Understanding Cross-Cultural Management 3rd Edn, 3rd Edition

Posted on 28-May-2021

A ensuring that line managers are adhering to a firm's sexual harassment policies B voicing employee concerns about health benefits and wages to upper management C providing upper management with relevant data on national employment trends D assisting line managers with hiring, evaluating, and firing employees Answer: A Explanation: A The human resource manager performs coordinative functions which require coordinating personnel activities. This function is often referred to as functional authority or functional control. Here he or she ensures that line managers are implementing the firm's human resource policies and practices, such as adhering to sexual harassment policies.

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Multiple Choice Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

Posted on 26-May-2021

A line authority; staff authority B staff authority; line authority C functional authority; line authority D staff authority; implied authority Answer: A Explanation: A HR managers usually have line authority in the HR department, which means they have the right to direct the activities of the people in his or her own department. However, outside of the HR department, HR managers are likely to exert implied authority because line managers realize that the HR manager has top management's ear in areas like testing and affirmative action. A ensuring that line managers are implementing HR policies B advising line managers about how to implement EEO laws C representing the interests of employees to senior management D integrating the duties of line managers with staff managers Answer: D Explanation: D Ensuring that line managers implement HR policies, advising line managers about EEO laws, and representing employee interests to senior management are common HRM functions.

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BUS301: Human Resource Management

BUS301: Human Resource Management

Posted on 19-Apr-2021

Integrating line and staff manager functions is not an HRM activity. A job analyst B financial advisor C compensation manager D labor relations specialist Answer: B Explanation: B HR management specialties include recruiter, EEO coordinator, job analyst, compensation manager, training specialist, and labor relations specialist. HR managers are less likely to serve as financial advisors. Difficulty: Moderate Chapter: 1 Objective: 3 AACSB: Reflective thinking Learning Outcome: Define human resource management and describe modern trends in the field 30 In general, how many human resource employees would be on staff for a firm with total employees? Therefore, a firm with company employees would require five HR employees to handle all of the firm's HR issues.

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Answer Key Chapter 8 - Microbiology | OpenStax

Answer Key Chapter 8 - Microbiology | OpenStax

Posted on 27-Mar-2021

Activities may include changing benefits plans and providing updated appraisal forms. Which of the following best describes the structure of the HR services provided at Wilson Manufacturing? Transactional, corporate, and centers of expertise are three other typical organizational approaches to HR. Jackson Pharmaceuticals has a history of problems within its HR department including difficulties recruiting and retaining qualified employees, EEO violations, inadequate employee training programs, and confusion regarding health benefit enrollment and coverage. With years of experience transforming HR departments in other firms, Whitman believes she can correct the problems at Jackson Pharmaceuticals.

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BUS Human Resource Management | Saylor Academy

BUS Human Resource Management | Saylor Academy

Posted on 17-Apr-2021

By outsourcing benefits administration, Jackson would allow HR managers to focus on other issues and enable benefits specialists to handle benefits enrollment and coverage issues. Corporate HR teams rather than embedded HR teams work with top management. It is not the role of line managers to handle benefits administration. Which of the following best supports the argument that Whitman should create embedded HR units and assign relationship managers to each department within the firm? A Employees frequently complain about the inconsistent assistance they receive from the HR department due to its large size.

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Ch 8 Human Resources, Culture, Diversity Intro Bus Quiz - Quizizz

Ch 8 Human Resources, Culture, Diversity Intro Bus Quiz - Quizizz

Posted on 17-Apr-2021

B The global nature of the firm makes it difficult for the HR department to effectively communicate corporate messages to employees scattered around the world. C Centralized call centers would enable the HR department to provide specialized support on daily transactional activities. D Line managers want to implement additional screening and evaluations to improve the quality of their subordinates.

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55 Human Resources Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes

55 Human Resources Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes

Posted on 3-Mar-2021

Answer: A Explanation: A The embedded HR teams assign HR generalists also known as "relationship managers" or "HR business partners" directly to departments like sales and production, to provide the localized human resource management assistance the departments need. If employees are unable to receive the HR assistance they need on a regular basis, then it would be appropriate for the firm to assign HR generalists to each department as a direct line to the HR department. Difficulty: Hard Chapter: 1 Objective: 1 AACSB: Reflective thinking Learning Outcome: Define human resource management and describe modern trends in the field 36 Which of the following responsibilities is shared by line managers and human resource managers in most firms? A preemployment testing B benefits administration C initial screening interviews D performance appraisals Answer: D Explanation: D In most firms, line managers and HR managers both have HR responsibilities, but they typically share activities like employment interviews, performance appraisals, and skills training.

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Free EBooks In The Genres You Love |

Free EBooks In The Genres You Love |

Posted on 17-Apr-2021

Preemployment testing, benefits administration, and initial screening interviews are usually handled by HR managers rather than line managers. A visiting college campuses to recruit B interviewing job applicants C administering preemployment tests D testing employees for drugs Answer: B Explanation: B Interviewing job applicants is a duty shared by line managers and HR managers.

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6 Science Content Standards | National Science Education Standards | The National Academies Press

6 Science Content Standards | National Science Education Standards | The National Academies Press

Posted on 12-May-2021

We are firmly committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment. Examples of such behavior include derogatory comments based on racial or ethnic characteristics and unwelcome sexual advances. Please refer to the applicable sections of the Employee Handbook for further guidance1. If this is where the informal work and relationship building take place, an entire group could be left out of this process, likely resulting in lower pay and promotion rates. Many organizations have developed diversity management plans that are tied to the written diversity policy of the organization.

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